About HERsay aLIVE
HERsay aLIVE is an ongoing curated open mic series with a mission to elevate the voices of women. Our events provide a microphone to amplify the voices of women of every age, race, religion, politics, lifestyle, ability, profession, and background, sharing who we are and what we believe through all forms of self expression - from personal stories to music, poetry, art, video, comedy, advocacy, dance, and more. By raising our voices and sharing our talents, we're building community and redefining what it means to be a woman in 2023.
Our urgent purpose: Women are the world's community builders, caregivers, influencers, artisans, and curators of future generations. As 50% of the global population, our power is undeniable, yet inequity and injustices abound for women locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. We believe that when women come together to share who we are we make it possible to create the necessary change toward a more empathetic, unified, and equitable world. HERsay aLIVE.